• Self Growth

    How to Achieve your Goals and Dreams in 2021.

    Do you feel done with 2020? Like, you can’t wait for this year to be over, and start 2021 as if 2020 never happened? Because I am! I just want to pretend that 2021 will be better. So, if you’d like, be optimistic with me, and let’s plan how to achieve your goals and dreams in 2021!

  • Fitness

    Sleep Hygiene Checklist: Sleep Better at Night Naturally

    Do you find yourself lying in your bed at night, just staring into the ceiling, and no matter how hard you try you just could not sleep? Do you also feel tired most of the time but when you’re about to sleep, your mind is so active overthinking? These are so frustrating, right? But, don’t worry. We can still sleep better at night naturally by having a sleep hygiene checklist.

  • Self Growth

    Early Morning Routine: Be energized to seize the day.

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    Do you always rush in the morning that you could not even feel grateful for waking up? Or do you feel irritated or tired first thing in the morning even before starting your day? Are you one of those mean zombies lining up in a coffee shop near your work? Is this because mornings are such hassles? Or maybe you need an early morning routine?

  • Fitness

    How to Reset Body Clock: Follow These 8 Tested Methods.

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    Are you one of those people who keep on trying to wake up early to start the day right? Or do you keep on planning to be productive but can’t because you feel tired? Maybe it’s because you do lack sleep. Or your circadian rhythm is not in sync with your daily schedule. This can still be addressed by knowing how to reset the body clock.

  • Self Growth

    How to Improve Yourself: Start with these 10 Habits

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    Did you wake up one day thinking you need to better yourself? You got excited and then started to overthink how to improve yourself. Where to begin? How to do this? Or you’ve already started but now you got lost and don’t know what to do anymore?    Improving yourself can be overwhelming. Especially when you are just starting. There are so many things that you want to change but…

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