8 Steps to Conduct Your Personal Mid-Year Goal Review.
Did you know that we’re almost done with this year? How are your goals? Did you make any progress? Or have you forgotten about them already? Sometimes, thinking about your goals when the deadline is fast approaching can be anxiety-inducing. But, don’t worry! We still have a few months to get things done. In this blog post, I’ll share some steps on how you can do your personal mid-year goal review.
First of all, what is a personal mid-year review?
It is a common practice in workplaces to do mid-year reviews. They evaluate their performance so far and see if they are on track with their goals. If they still need to, they can adjust their action plan to end the year successfully.
In this blog post, we will do the same with our personal goals. We will look at them, assess our progress, and evaluate if we can achieve them by the end of the year. This will then allow us to make some adjustments if needed.
Why should you do a personal goal review?
Obviously, the main reason you should do this is to achieve your goals! But there are other benefits to doing a personal mid-year review:
1. See if there is any progress with your goals.
2. Determine if you are on the right track and speed to achieve them by the end of the year.
3. Establish new strategies if needed.
4. Reflect on the lessons you have learned so far this year.
5. Evaluate if your goals are still relevant and create new ones.
6. Reminds you why you are doing all these.
Doing these can significantly help you improve and achieve this year’s goals.
Steps on how to successfully do your personal goal review.

Here are 8 tips you can follow to do your mid-year review. It’s best if you follow them step-by-step.
1. Set a time and prepare yourself to do this.
Reviewing your goals is not as easy as it sounds. It’s not just looking at that list you wrote on January 1st. You have to be emotionally prepared and have the correct mindset. You should be able to tap within but at the same time, be objective and strategic about this.
So, schedule a time for this in a conducive environment. Have your materials ready like your journal and trackers. And have a cup of tea.
2. Reflect on the last few months.
Now that you’re ready, first look back at what happened in the last few months. By reflecting, you will gain more understanding and probably a different perspective of what happened so far and what you want next.
Here are some journal prompts to help you:
- What do I generally feel about this year so far?
- Am I happy with the way I handled things the past few months?
- Is there a pattern in how I act or manage things that I don’t want to continue?
- What are some habits, good or bad, that I have developed and what do I do with them?
- Are there significant events that impacted my goals?
- What are my goals and why did I want to do them?
- What have I done this year so far?
- Are there any projects I need to prioritize before this year ends?
- How will I finish this year strong?
- What are the big lessons/experiences I gained in the past few months?
- Are there any changes I should make?
- How is my routine? Am I satisfied with it?

- You may want to read this: 30 Journal Prompts for the End of the Year Review.
3. Celebrate your growth.
This year is almost done and for sure, you have done something! You may not feel like it, but take a pause and see for yourself.
List all the things you’ve done this year that you are proud of. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small. It may be as simple as eating breakfast every day to something huge like getting a promotion.
For example, mine is “I am way healthier than last year” and I am so proud of that!
After you make your list, celebrate each entry there. Look at you and your growth. That is worth something to be proud of.
4. Check your goals and their progress.
Now, let’s do the fun part. Get your goal-setting planner and revisit your goals for this year.
Check off all the goals you’ve accomplished.
As for the rest, estimate at what percentage you are with them. You can easily do this if you have your action plan or your goal milestones.
By determining your progress for each goal, it will be easier for you to strategize on how to accomplish them by the end of the year.
5. Reevaluate your goals.
A lot of things can happen in just a few months. You may have realized that the goal you set is not relevant anymore. Or they were too easy or hard!
You’ll most likely realize this when you check your progress.
So, ask the following:
- Can the ones I accomplished be improved? Make it more challenging.
- Are the ones I haven’t completed yet still relevant? If not, cross them out.
- Realistically, can I accomplish them by the end of the year? If not, revise them.
- Are there any other things I want to achieve this year? Set them up.
Remember, you have to be a little flexible and realistic when setting up your goals. This is why you need to reevaluate them once in a while.
6. Set an action plan.
It can be overwhelming to make sure you achieve your goals for the year! This is why you should make a plan for each goal.
After revising and adding your goals, set an action plan so you can achieve them this year!
Take note of how much time you have left and be realistic that you can follow through with your plan.
- You may want to read this: How to make an action plan to achieve goals.
7. Finish the goals you can do now.
After you track your goals, reevaluate them, and set your action plan, you can assess where you currently stand in your dream for this year.
If there are goals you feel like you can finish now, do it immediately. Completing them can significantly boost your motivation to do the rest.
While you might be tempted to wait until the year’s end, I urge you not to do that. Take action now and cross those tasks off your list.
8. Set another date for a goal review.
Now that you’re done with your mid-year goal review, it is time to set another date for another review! Having constant check-ins will help you focus.
Set the date and make sure to set a reminder.
You may do this quarterly, monthly, or even weekly!

This is the year you will be able to accomplish the goals you set back in January!
There are different kinds of feelings that may come up after this. But, I just want to remind you that there are still months left. You have plenty of time to work on yourself.
And remember, no matter what progress you’ve made, you still have progress.
So hopefully, this mid-year review inspired and motivated you to keep pushing.
Rooting for you,
Blaise ♡

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One Comment
Very much enjoyed this, especially the journal prompts, thanks so much for sharing these!!