• Self Growth

    How to Refocus Your Life: 8 Life-Changing Tips.

    A woman meditating in the beach with a great sunset

    Do you feel like you can’t get your head straight? You know you’re supposed to do something but you can’t seem to do it. The more you push yourself, the more you feel the resistance. As a result, you get overwhelmed which may lead to burnout. In this blog post, we will discuss why this happens and how to refocus your life. There are a lot of reasons why you…

  • Fitness

    12 Wellness Tips for the Workplace – Prioritize Health.

    Do you feel exhausted and burnt out every day after work? Are you having a hard time destressing even outside work because it already takes up your entire time? Working full-time can be mentally and physically draining. This is normal because jobs can be tiring, but if it is making you miserable every day, then it is time to consider improving your well-being at work. In this blog post, I’ve…

  • Self Growth

    Things to do on Sundays to Have a Productive Week

    A woman writing plans on her journal, which is one the things to do on Sundays to have a productive week

    Do you spend your Sundays feeling anxious for the upcoming week? As a result, you fail to do anything and cram everything on a Sunday evening? This is something we absolutely don’t want to start our week with, don’t we? In this blog post, I listed things to do on Sundays to have a productive week.

  • Fitness

    How to Reset Body Clock: Follow These 8 Tested Methods.

    Reset body clock Featured image

    Are you one of those people who keep on trying to wake up early to start the day right? Or do you keep on planning to be productive but can’t because you feel tired? Maybe it’s because you do lack sleep. Or your circadian rhythm is not in sync with your daily schedule. This can still be addressed by knowing how to reset the body clock.

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